Nagpur: With the State Assembly’s upcoming Winter Session in Nagpur round the corner, the city police have pulled their socks up and have tightened the security at all the major parts of the city. As the The Winter Session of the State Legislature is scheduled to start on December 8, 2015, a large number of Police personnel from all cities and towns of Maharashtra have already arrived in the city.
On the first day, 241 male and 84 female cops and one officer registered their attendance in the office set up in police control room. These cops have come from Mumbai, Nashik, Solapur and Pune. City cops have for the first time made tent free accomodation facilities. Similarly, measures to keep cops safe from harsh cold have been made.
These policemen will be in the city to maintain law and order and a good chunk of security personnel will be required keep the morchas, rallies and agitations at bay.
Apart from the special security personnel, elite forces and commandos , many state police personnel from other allied department from other places in the state have already been deployed for the bandobast purpose.
Meanwhile, the department heads have cancelled all the leaves of the cops ahead of the Winter Session. On December 2, 2015 a strict bandobast was followed on many incoming roads.