Nagpur: Gittikhadan police have booked concerned officials and employees of Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) on the charges of causing death of an 8-year old boy negligently.
The 8-year old Gufranali Akbarali, resident of Manavseva Nagar, behind Veterinary College, Seminary Hills was on March 15, 2016 cycling in the area around 7.30 pm. During the cycling, the kid could not spot the open sewer manhole and fell into the septic tank. He received serious injuries and was rushed to Mayo Hospital by nearby residents. However, doctors there declared Gufranali brought dead. Gittikhadan police at that time had registered a case of accidental death and launched a detailed probe.
The probe revealed that the 8-year old boy died due to lethargy and negligence on the part of concerned NMC officials and employees as the manhole should have been covered. It was their duty to ensure that every manhole is covered and prevent tragedies like Gufranali’s.
Based on the investigation, PSI Madankar has booked the negligent babus under Section 304(A) of the IPC and launched fresh probe from this angle.