The police have managed to catch nine more e-hawala operators in their net, bringing the total number of arrested smugglers to 23. Under the e-hawala racket, a total of 41 carriers are suspected of smuggling forex cards and cash to Dubai. The total number of suspects is estimated to be 51, including three directors of entertainment and media companies, who were arrested recently for running the operation. One other director is still at large.
With the help of lookout notices, the police have managed to make their most recent arrests from Delhi and Hyderabad Airport. Six accused were detained at Delhi Airport, out of which all but a woman were arrested. The woman was given a notice under CrPC 41. Another four accused were arrested from Hyderabad Airport. According to police sources, 41 carriers were supposed to travel to Dubai on a month-long tourist visa, each carrying $10,000 (Rs 6,6 lakh) and five forex cards holding 1.8 lakh Dirhams (approximately Rs 32.6 lakh). The police have so far nabbed 18 fliers at the airport.
Sources added that a man called Romil Shah received the carriers at Dubai airport and collected the cash and forex cards from them. Their tickets were booked with flexible dates, but the Sahar police tracked down the agent who booked the tickets and got them cancelled. Romil then booked fresh tickets.
Since the cops were cracking down on the crooks, they started returning via different airports in India to evade arrest. Sources further said that that three people were detained at Ahmedabad airport, along with two at Nagpur airport and three at Chennai airport. The Sahar police will bring those accused to Mumbai.