Nagpur News: Saturday evening shows that leave aside citizens, even cops are not spared by thieves. In a strange incident, a retired cop who was accompanied by additional CP of North region was robbed of his wallet at Shani temple in Sitabuldi on Saturday evening. While crime in city is increasing at high rate, even the cops are not spared by the thieves.
In the evening, a retired cop along with additional CP North region of city had gone to the temple to offer prayers. Minutes after the cops walked out of the temple, retired cop found his wallet stolen. The incident was reported to DHantoli police station. Senior police inspector of Dhantoli police station and its staff investigated the spot but no suspect was found.
However, when it comes to file a police complaint, the retired cop refused to go for it. The retired cop’s decision of not to file a police complaint, shows that even cops are not sure about police investigation in pick pocketing case that will bring his purse back.