Nagpur News : Vidya Shinde, 23, wife of police sub-inspector Bharat posted at Gadhchiroli, was found hanged to the ceiling hook at the staff quarteres of Unconventional Operation Training Centre (UOTC) at Suraburdi on Wednesday morning. Bharat, who had been to city last week had left to Gadchiroli on Tuesday evening. Wadi police told that no suicide note was found from Vidya’s bedroom. The couple had an arrange marriage one-and-half year ago.
Vidya was staying with her in-laws at the staff quarters.
Next day morning, Vidya went to her room for rest while her in-laws were busy in their routine work. The hanging came to light when Vidya’s in-laws heard the thud sound and broke open the bedroom door. The body was shifted for post mortem at Mayo mortuary.
Police are yet to check the call details records of Bharat and Vidya. Cops suspect a personal dispute between the couple might have been the reason for Vidya’s suicide. However, the in-laws claimed that there was no dispute between the couple.