Nagpur: The City Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar reshuffled the Nagpur police force and transferred seven police inspectors. It is reported that Senior PIs have been transferred due to their unsatisfactory performance.
Hudkeshwar Police Station Senior Police Inspector Jagvendra Singh Rajput has been shifted to Escort Cell. Prashant Mane of Imamwada Police Station was entrusted with the charge of Hudkeshwar Police Station. Old Kamptee PI Kamlakar Gaddime was entrusted with the responsibility of Imamwada Police Station.
Crime Branch Inspector Gajanan Kalyankar has been shifted to Nandanvan Police Station, while Ravindra Naikwad of Nandanvan was transferred to the Crime Branch. Nitin Patange of the Escort Cell was transferred to the Traffic Branch while Praveen Kamble, Sub-Inspector of Imamwada has been shifted to Sitabuldi Police Station.