Published On : Fri, Nov 10th, 2023

CP’s strategic step: Crackdown on goons ahead of Winter Session in Nagpur


Nagpur: In the wake of the sensational Mominpura murder case, Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar has embarked on a robust policing strategy to curb criminal activities in Nagpur. This initiative, launched in preparation for the upcoming Winter Session of the State Legislature, aims to ensure public safety and maintain law and order in Nagpur.

Over the past 10 days, law enforcement agencies have apprehended approximately 250 individuals, particularly those with criminal records. The operation targeted the ‘top 20’ individuals with alleged criminal affiliations in each police station jurisdiction.


The Crime Branch, in collaboration with local police stations, worked cohesively to round up 31 accused involved in 28 cases. Sharp weapons, including swords and knives, were seized from the apprehended individuals. A proactive approach during anti-crime patrolling led to the arrest of 29 individuals who were allegedly planning armed dacoities based on specific intelligence inputs.

Under the Maharashtra Prevention of Dangerous Activities (MPDA) Act, five top criminals were arrested, and 15 more proposals for MPDA are currently under consideration. Notably, gangster Sumeet Thakur and his 12 accomplices were booked under the Maharashtra Control of Organized Crime Act (MCOCA). The legal team is actively working on additional proposals to apply MCOCA to several other criminal gangs, aiming to keep offenders out of circulation for an extended period.

Commissioner Kumar announced a dedicated drive against drug peddlers, emphasizing the need to tackle drug-related crimes. In response to the increased recovery of firearms and cartridges in the Mominpura murder case, the police plan to register a new offense against gun-runners before addressing the interstate racket of illegal arms. Nine firearms and 90 cartridges were recovered during the investigation.

A total of 71 individuals were rounded up in 45 gambling cases, while another 97 were booked in 69 offenses related to illegal liquor in the last 10 days. Searches at the residences of known criminals will be conducted randomly, with joint or individual efforts from the Crime Branch and local police teams. All individuals with criminal records and gang activities are under surveillance.

Crime Branch teams, under the supervision of DCP Sudarshan Mumakka, will conduct night-long actions in different areas to ensure round-the-clock vigilance.

Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar assured the public that these measures are part of a sustained effort to maintain the safety and security of the city, with future initiatives planned against various criminal activities.