Nagpur: In a ghastly incident, a crane crushed a young man to death in the premises of Orange City Steel Company Pvt Ltd in New Kamptee police jurisdiction on Friday evening. The crane driver has been arrested.
The deceased has been identified as Pawan Vasudeo Yerne (21), resident of Dipti Signal, Kalamna.
According to police, the complainant Duvasu Parasram Sahu (50), resident of Gulshan Nagar, Memon Colony, Kalamna Road, and the deceased Pawan Yerne were resting after having lunch at Orange City Steel Company Pvt Ltd, Kalamna, around 4 pm on Friday. During the same time, a crane (MH-40/P 2560), driven recklessly, crushed Pawan and injured him fatally. He died on the spot.
New Kamptee ASI Sanjay Pillai, acting on complaint of Sahu, booked the crane driver Anil Ankush Shende (62), resident of Plot No. 6/1, Mahalaxmi Coop Society, Ranala, under Sections 279, 304(A) of the IPC and arrested him. Further probe is underway.