Nagpur: Unit-III of Crime Branch of Nagpur Police on Sunday raided a flat in Kalamna area and busted an online cricket betting racket. One bookie has been taken into custody while a search is launched for another who went absconding.
The raiding cops caught the accused Himanshu Bhupendra Chelani (32), resident of Plot No. 205, Flat No. 202, Jitendra Dham Apartment, Surya Nagar, Kalamna, red-handed while accepting bets on T20 cricket match being played between India and Pakistan in Asia Cup Tournament on Sunday. The absconding accused has been identified as Vishal Tanna, resident of Ambedkar Square, Lakadganj.
Cops have seized a mobile phone worth Rs 50,000, Rs 2500 cash and other betting material.
After the arrest of Himanshu Chelani, he was handed over to Kalamna police for further course of action.