Nagpur/Pune: In a significant breakthrough, the Crime Branch has successfully nabbed two suspects linked to the audacious INR 1.15 crore Nagpur’s Bhutale Chaal Lakadganj money heist that had sent shockwaves across the city. The arrest, however, did not yield any physical cash from the accused individuals. Acting swiftly on credible intelligence, a specialized unit from the Crime Branch was deployed to Pune in the early hours of Wednesday. The targeted operation resulted in the detention of the two alleged perpetrators.
Officials are now focusing their attention on the possibility that the pilfered funds might be in the possession of the mastermind behind this elaborate scheme.
Furthermore, during the course of their investigation, authorities managed to locate the active scooter belonging to the complainant’s employees within the jurisdiction of Tehsil Police Station on the same day.
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The incident that triggered this high-stakes pursuit occurred on Tuesday night near the Arvind Urban Co-operative Bank in the bustling Itwari wholesale market area. Two armed assailants ambushed two employees of a prominent transport firm, making off with a staggering INR 1.15 crore. The victims, identified as Pradeep Saraswat and Pralliad Swarni, had collected the funds at approximately 8:30 pm from their office in the Itwari locality. The ill-fated cash was meticulously secured in three bags, stowed away in the storage compartment of their two-wheeler, earmarked for transit to the Bhutada Chambers.
As the duo traversed through Bardana Lane, their path was abruptly obstructed by the two armed robbers. Menacingly wielding sharp-edged weapons, the criminals compelled the two-wheeler to an abrupt halt. Fearing for their safety, the employees promptly surrendered their mobile phones as per the assailants’ demands. In a tense and harrowing standoff, the robbers demanded the bags containing the substantial sum of money. Compliance was their only option, and the employees reluctantly handed over the bags before hastily vacating the scene.
Seizing the moment, the thieves capitalized on their advantage by commandeering the two-wheeler, making a swift and daring escape from the vicinity. The daring heist not only left the victims shaken but also prompted law enforcement to intensify security measures in the area, including an increased presence of checkpoints (nakabandi).
The looted funds were the property of Jirambhai Govindas Patel, a respected figure within the transportation sector. The investigation remains ongoing as authorities work to unravel the intricate details of this audacious robbery and recover the pilfered funds.