Nagpur: In a move to decentralize the working of Crime Branch and to enhance betting crime detection, the Police Department in the city led by Commissioner of Police S P Yadav decided to create five Crime Branches attached to each Zone.
This creation of separate Crime branches for each zone is in the style of Mumbai Police. Accordingly, sites were identified and after taking charge over the buildings, the five Crime Branches were inaugurated on August 1, 2016.
These branches are as follows:
- Crime Branch of Zone-1 at Kachipura Police Chowky, Bajaj Nagar
- Crime Branch of Zone-2 Seminary Hills Police Chowky, T. V. Tower Police Station Gittikhadan
- Crime Branch of Zone-3 Lakda Pool Police Chowky, Police Station Lakadganj
- Crime Branch of Zone-4 Quarter No. 3/4, Sakkardara Police Quarters, Office of Assistant Commissioner of Police Sakkardar
- Crime Branch of Zone-5 Teka Naka Police Chowky, Police Station Panchpaoli
While speaking to media personnel, Commissioner of Police S P Yadav said that this creation of five Crime branches for all the 5 Zones will enhance the crime detection and increase the percentage of successful action taken against criminals. He added that this will also enhance the police-public interaction for better policing.
Separate police officers and police personnel have been transferred or given charge of these individual Zonal Crime Offices. Each of these Crime Branch will have 5-6 police stations under their jurisdiction.