Nagpur: In another pro-active action, Additional Commissioner of Police (Crime) Ranjan Kumar Sharma convened a meeting in his chambers with all officers and staff of the Crime Branch and directed them that they would have to take action against all those hookah parlours running illegally in the city. Additional Commissioner of Police (Crime) Ranjan Kumar Sharma added that youngsters in large numbers are not only enjoying smoking hookah but are also getting addicted to it.
Accordingly different squads were constituted and simultaneously raided three Hookah Parlours in the city. These hookah parlours include Spot-9 in Ramnagar, Stet Restaurant in Ramnagar and Waffle House in Bharat Nagar.
During the raid, the cops seized a large number of Hookah Pots, different flavours used to smoke hookah and other materials used to smoke hookah was seized and formalities completed before the Panchas.
Cases were registered against these accused owners of the Hookah parlours and were arrested too. They include: Owner of Stet Restaurant situated in Laxmi Krupa Apartment, Ramnagar – Amit Bhimrao Ingle aged 24 years and a resident of Police Line Takli, Owner of Spot-9 situated in Laxmi Krupa Building, North Bazaar Ambazhari Road- Dashmesh Singh Amarjeet Singh Harwal aged 32 years and a resident of 100-A, Friends Colony and Owner of Waffle House situated in S-Apartment, Bharat Nagar, Amravati Road- Abhijeet Jasbeer Singh aged 19 years and a resident of Wadi Control, Jhenda Chowk, Wadi. However, sources said that they were released on bail.
The above action was undertaken under the directions of Commissioner of Police S P Yadav, Joint Commissioner of Police Rajwardhan, Additional Commissioner of Police (Crime) Ranjan Kumar Sharma and Assistant Commissioner of Police Nilesh Raut by Crime Branch Officials PI Ravindra Patil, PI Anil Katkhede, PSI Gokul Suryavanshi, PSI Pramod Sanap and Sachin Lule.