Nagpur: The Unit 3 of Crime Branch on Tuesday night, raided a house of dreaded goon, Chanda Thakur and seized 13 boxes of Officer’s Choice, collectively worth Rs 1,95,000.
According to police sources, the sleuths of Crime Branch received a tip-off that Thakur had stored illegal stock of liquor by means of black marketing. Following with the squad of Senior PI Vinod Chaudhari, PI Maske along with API Yogesh Choudhary, ASI Rafiq, Constables Annu Shahu, Prashant Lade, Ramkrishna, Raju Poddar, Shyam Kadu, Pravin Gorte conducted the raid and confiscated 13 boxes of liquor.
Following the raid cops handed over the stock to Shantinagar Police Station and booked accused Thakur, who reportedly is still at large.