Nagpur: A 24-year-old youth, who was recently released from jail on parole owing to the spread of novel Corona Virus (COVID-19), has been brutally murdered in Fukat Nagar, under Yashodhara Nagar police station over an old enmity on Wednesday night. The deceased has been identified as Anuj alias Annu Thakur Sudam Bhagel, a resident of Vamdevi Nagar, Itabhatti Chowk.
Police sources said that Anuj had gone to attend a reception event in Fukat Nagar when the accused Usmaan, Mehboob and Makkhan intercepted him at around 10 pm. Anuj had reportedly torched Usmaan’s vehicle in the past. On seeing him in the locality, Usmaan along with his friends cornered Anuj and sought returns for the damages.
During the argument the accused in a fit of rage whipped out sharp edged weapons and started assaulting Anuj who was left on the spot to die with serious injuries. Later few local people alerted the cops after they spotted the body lying in a pool of blood.
Yashodhara Nagar police have booked the three accused under Sections 302,34 of the IPC, 4+25,27 of Indian Arms act and 135 of Maharashtra Police Act and started the investigation.