Published On : Fri, Aug 4th, 2017

CYSS demonstrates on demand for admission to ATKT students


CYSS demonstrates
Students of CYSS demonstrated dharna within Nagpur University demanding admission for students under ATKT. Ten days ago the request was submitted to the Vice-Chancellor by the CYSS and on that the Vice-Chancellor had assured the students of admission. However, the protest was conducted as the students are still not getting admission.

The students had also submitted a memorandum in this regard to Dr. Siddharthvinayak Kane, Registrar, Nagpur University. No college in the city is granting admissions to students in third year under ATKT. Students said that according to rule 12 2016 similar rule is applicable in all courses. Students are demanding admission in third semester and five chances to clear ATKT, as mentioned in the rules.

Vice Chancellor of the university had assured students that action will be taken against the colleges which do not provide admission to students. However, no step has been taken till now. Students are compelled to visit the college every day, as a result. But still students are not given admission by college. Piyush Akare, Kripal Akare, Amit Badiwik, Anup Khadkar, Dhiraj Agashe, Pranav Kedapure, Tushar Vairagade, Aniket Waghade, Jitu Murkoote, Aditya Munje, Shubham Rana, Piyush Dhapodkar, Siddharth Dhole, Shubham Dhopkar, Hina Rahunde, Kirti Dubey, Anita Shandre, Durga Sharma, Mohini Mod, Apurva Mohand, Apurva Varekar, Mansi Mogre, Roshan Shende, Sachin Sankuwar, Shubham Bagde were present in the protest.

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