Nagpur: The festive spirit of Dahi Handi gripped Nagpur on Tuesday night, as thousands of enthusiastic youths gathered across the city to participate in the electrifying events. One of the highlights of the night was the victory of Jai Bholeshwar Mandal from Sonzari Nagar in the Dahi Handi contest organized by Itwara Navyuvak Mandal at Tanga Stand, Itwari.
The event was part of the city’s vibrant Janmashtami celebrations, a festival of joy and devotion marking the birth of Lord Krishna, which was celebrated with great zeal on Monday night at midnight. The atmosphere across the city was electric, charged with the anticipation of divine celebrations that followed the religious rituals.
Schools in Nagpur embraced the festive fervour, organizing Dahi Handi competitions for students. Dressed in colourful attires, the students formed human pyramids to reach and break the pot filled with curd and buttermilk, symbolizing the playful nature of Lord Krishna.
Organizing committees left no stone unturned in ensuring this year’s Dahi Handi events were a grand success. With the State Assembly elections around the corner, political parties and aspiring candidates also made their presence felt by sponsoring extravagant Dahi Handi events to woo the youth.
The vibrant celebrations of Janmashtami and Dahi Handi united the city in a spirit of joy, devotion, and youthful enthusiasm.