Nagpur: Like every year, this year too, Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering and Research (RGCER) celebrated the auspicious festival of “Dahi Handi” with pomp and gaiety. The festival is the celebration of the birth of ‘Natkhat Makhanchor’ or Lord Krishna. The very celebration of this festival infused the students with enthusiasm, dynamism and cheerfulness. This celebration also helped in establishing and restoring the unity, fellowship and camaraderie among the students and faculty members.
Principal of Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering and Research Abhijeet Bapat along with faculty members and students paid obeisance to Lord Krishna and sought Lord’s blessings to give a kick-start to the event.
The departmental Matki Breaking Competition was organized within the premises of Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering and Research. All the male students had geared-up with a lot of practice in the preceding days. The organizers ensured utmost safety precautions. The height of the Dahi Handi made the participants of the human pyramid nervous but everyone cheered the participants on and encouraged them to boost them which helped them succeed in their endeavour.
The DJ played some great music and it was the blast of crowd. A separate competition was organized for the girls. The organizers had tied their eyes with ribbon. The girls had to smash the Matki at one swing with their eyes closed after coming through a distance. This was the challenging competition for girls with pivot attention and eagerness to win.
Everybody seemed to enjoy each moment and the event ended on really a happy note with dance, music and fun leaving a smile on every face.
– Alisha Damodare