The Guardian Secretary of Nagpur District Pravin Darade on Friday directed the concerned officials to immediately initiate steps for acquisition of the land owned by State and Central Government for Metro Rail Project. Darade was reviewing the pending issues in connection with the project at a meeting held at Hyderabad House in city. The meeting was attended by Additional District Collector Panjabrao Wankhede, Resident Deputy Collector Ravindra Kumbhare, Deputy Collectors Asha Pathan, Prakash Verma, Prakash Patil, Subhash Chaudhari, District Superintending Agriculture Officer Archana Kadu and others.
Darade held discussions with Baba Davre of MIHAN Project Affected People’s Committee regarding land acquisition in villages coming under MIHAN Project. Rehabilitation of Shivangaon, Khapri villages was also discussed in the meeting. Darade said that another meeting will be held on April 29 and all the pending issues will be sorted out after discussion with concerned people.