Nagpur: In a sensational turn of events, Ajay Borkar, a notorious criminal booked under the stringent Maharashtra Prevention of Dangerous Activities Act (MPDA), managed to escape from police custody on Monday, just metres away from Nagpur Central Jail. The incident has left Nagpur Police red-faced as questions swirl about the circumstances of his escape.
Borkar, who has nine cases of assault and other offences against him, was being transported to jail after legal formalities at the Police Commissioner’s office. As the police van slowed near a traffic signal close to the prison, Borkar seized the moment, wriggling free from his captors and leaping from the moving vehicle. The accompanying police officers were left stunned and helpless as the fugitive bolted into the streets.
Top police officials are now probing whether the escape was a spontaneous act of desperation or an inside job facilitated by negligence or complicity. Following the incident, teams from Jaripatka police, Dhantoli police, and the Crime Branch launched an intensive manhunt, scouring the Indora Bhandar Mohalla and nearby liquor dens for leads on Borkar’s whereabouts.
This daring escape marks a first for an MPDA detainee, who managed to flee just moments before entering the high-security jail. The case has not been officially registered as a fresh offence yet, as doing so would require a lengthy reprocessing of MPDA formalities.
A daring run through streets
Witnesses reported seeing Borkar sprinting towards Rahate Colony Square before vanishing into the busy lanes of Dhantoli. The Jaripatka police team immediately alerted the control room, and a city-wide alert was issued, although no formal records were made to avoid complicating the case.
Authorities are now examining CCTV footage from the area to trace Borkar’s escape route. While his sudden disappearance remains a mystery, it has triggered a wave of embarrassment and criticism for the police department.
Senior officers are under pressure to provide answers as the sensational escape has exposed lapses in police protocol. The incident also raises concerns about the enforcement of the MPDA, a law designed to curb the activities of hardened criminals and habitual offenders.
As the manhunt intensifies, Nagpur Police are leaving no stone unturned to recapture Borkar, whose escape has now become a blot on the department’s record.