Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh have been in a relationship for quite some time now, or so the grapevine would have one believe. The actors have more or less been tight-lipped about their relationship status, but have always dropped hints about the ‘special one’ in their life. Both Deepika and Ranveer have time and again spoken on record about the friendship the two share.
Several times in the past, Ranveer and Deepika have just about worn their relationship status on their sleeve, stopping short of actually spelling it out. All this while, however, nothing has escaped prying eyes of Bollywood-gossip consumers.
Though nobody quite knows when Ranveer and Deepika actually began dating, it has been said that the shoot of Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Ram-Leela was when Cupid struck. Over the years, the chemistry between the two has been lauded to the heavens. Soon, the two actors will be seen together on the silver screen in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Bajirao Mastani.
Recently, Ranveer and Deepika were snapped together at the Mumbai Airport… and the waiting cameras caught them kissing. Despite Deepika’s fedora hat acting as an obstacle in the lens’ line of vision, the kiss was more than visible.
As of now, Deepika will be seen on the big screen in Imtiaz Ali’s Tamasha opposite Ranbir Kapoor. The Piku actor is busy promoting her upcoming Tamasha, which is to hit the theatres on November 27.