Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh’s wedding news has been making headlines for a while now. According to friends close to the two, the wedding is happening between November 12 -16 as they have received messages from the Bajirao Mastani actors to save the date. According to a DNA report, Ranveer and Deepika will marry in Italy this November and both the actors have asked their respective teams to keep their diary clear at that time.
“Ranveer’s Simmba will be wrapped up by then. He might just have some patchwork left to do. Deepika, meanwhile, is in talks for various movies but is yet to begin any project. Their brand endorsement duties will also be adjusted.”
Shah Rukh Khan and Arjun Kapoor who are really close to the couple may join their wedding celebrations in Italy. The source also added further saying, “Both, Ranveer and Deepika, were keen to have a small ceremony. The wedding at a foreign destination will give them the privacy they desire.
They will probably have a reception in Mumbai for their friends and colleagues. A few people from Bollywood like Arjun Kapoor, who is one of Ranveer’s closest B-Town buddies, and Shah Rukh Khan, who is fond of Deepika, may join the celebrations in Italy. The rest of the wedding party will comprise the couple’s family members and pals.”
Though Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone have been dating for five years, they have never openly admitted about being together. The couple reportedly got engaged on New Year’s eve and at this point, the preparations for their wedding are in full swing. Keep watching this space as we get you more deets on this!