Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone are one of the cutest pairs of Bollywood in reel and real life. The two have been dating each other since Ram Leela and while they have never openly admitted of seeing each other, they have time and again dropped hints. However, reports suggest that the duo have been going through a lot of problems post Bajirao Mastani and with both of them away for work, they haven’t been able to resolve their issues. A few days back, rumours started doing the rounds that they have broken up, but neither of the stars reacted to it.
However, in an interview to a leading daily Deepika finally reacted. Speaking about the rumours doing the rounds that she and Ranveer have broken u, she said, “There’s nothing to respond to. As I said, I have never responded to such rumours and I don’t plan to anytime soon (smiles).”
But is her equation with Ranveer the same? The actress responds, “I have never commented on anything before, so I won’t say anything now. He has been and will always be an important part of my life. That will never change.”
She is talking in the past and future tense and has not mentioned anything about the present. So is she hinting that all is not well currently? Well, we will have to wait for an opportunity to ask her ourselves. Till then let’s hope that Deepika and Ranveer meet up and sort things out themselves.