New Delhi: At 14.4 degrees Celsius, the national capital on Thursday recorded the lowest maximum temperature in the last 19 years and the fourth coldest day in seven decades, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) said. The development comes as rain, accompanied by strong winds up to 30-40 kmph, dropped the max temperature in Delhi city (Safdarjung airport) by 8 degrees Celsius compared to Wednesday
As per the updates from the IMD, while the maximum temperature was recorded at 22.4 degrees Celsius on Wednesday, the minimum was pegged at 11.2 degrees Celsius.
Overnight rains brought the temperature down in the city, with people waking up to a windy, cloudy and foggy morning
According to the India Meteorological Department (IMD), a western disturbance has brought the temperature down with winds sweeping Delhi at a speed of 30 to 40 kilometres per hour.
The IMD said that the maximum temperature recorded on Thursday is the lowest in the last 19 years for this month. It was on February 1, 2003 when the national capital had recorded a high of 14.3 degrees Celsius.
Thursday’s maximum temperature is the fourth-lowest recorded for the month in the last 71 years. On February 1, 1970, the maximum temperature was recorded at 12.3 degrees Celsius, which remains the lowest recorded for the month. On February 21, 1954, Delhi had recorded a high of 13.9 degrees Celsius, which remains the second lowest maximum temperature recorded for the month.
The national capital recorded 0.2 mm of rainfall between 8.30 am and 5.30 pm. Humidity levels oscillated between 74 per cent and 95 per cent.
The Ayanagar observatory recorded a high of 13.8 degrees Celsius eight notches below the season’s average, while the minimum temperature was recorded at 10.4 degrees Celsius, two degrees above normal.
The Palam observatory recorded a maximum temperature of 14.8 degrees Celsius, eight degrees below normal, while the minimum temperature stood at 10.6 degrees Celsius, two notches above normal.