Nagpur: Facing financial difficulties, a depressed salesman of a snacks manufacturing company committed suicide by jumping into Gandhisagar Lake on Friday. It is reported that the salesman had not received his salary since the past two months. The deceased has been identified Amit Dilip Sidam (18), resident of Shantinagar.
According to police, the deceased Amit Sidam was working in a Maskasath-based chips and kurkure manufacturing company as salesman. His job was to take orders from shops and supply the goods. After the supply of orders, Amit used to collect the bill amounts. Amit was staying in Shantinagar with mother, a younger sister and brother. A few years back, Amit’s father Dilip Sidam passed away. After father’s death, Amit was the lone bread earner for the family. Amit’s mother told police that since the past two months, Amit did not receive his salary and this fact made him very depressed. On Friday morning, Amit left home but did not return even after lapse of a considerable time. On Saturday morning, the area Corporator Vinod Kove informed Ganeshpeth Police about missing Amit Sidam. In turn, cops told him about a body found in Gandhisagar Lake. Kove reached the spot and saw Amit’s mother, sister and brother crying inconsolably. Amit’s body was pulled out by famous diver Jagdeesh Khare. After formal identification, cops dispatched the body to Government Hospital for post-mortem. Cops have registered a case of accidental death and investigating the matter further.