Nagpur: With the new top officials taking over the police department including the Commissioner of Police and many Deputy Commissioners of Police many newer methods are being employed to bring down the crime rate in the city.
While speaking to Nagpur Today, Additional Commissioner of Police (Crime) Ranjan Sharma said that they have started making detailed dossiers and files of every criminal and every crime in the city. He claimed that with the present records, they know that as many as 500 Chain Snatchers, 900 HBT Offenders, 600 vehicle lifters exists in the city.
He added that they have records of every known offender and criminal in the city and they are updating the data on a day-to-day basis. This collection of data has helped the cops in keeping the offenders on radar. The foot soldiers of these criminals, their known enemies or rival gang members and leaders too are in radar. Registering of every little offence is helping them to arrest the criminals and offenders, terming them as habitual offenders and in-turn helping the cops gets a good conviction rate.
Deputy Commissioner of Police (Zone-IV) Ishu Sindhu said that based on the directives of the Commissioner of Police (Nagpur) S P Yadav, every police official in his Zone including the police officials of the Detective Branch (DB) squad have been asked to put it in black and white all the inputs and knowledge they have about offenders and criminals existing in their zone. This data will include the past offences, the present activity (day-to-day), all the Hench-men (foot-soldiers) of the criminal, their activities, the places (including bars, keep’s house, temples, mazhars or mosques they visit, their relatives they visit etc.
He claimed that with the data on criminals available to cops, they have succeeded in putting behind bars as many as 17 criminals. DCP Sindhu claimed that they keep updating their records and data on a day-to-day basis. He added that they have many smaller or lesser known offenders and criminals also in their radar. Without their knowledge, the cops have eyes and ears on every offender.
Hostile witnesses help offenders go scot free
DCP Sindhu claimed that the cops try their level best to make the FIR or the charge-sheet in such a way that the offenders do not escape conviction. However, on most occasions, it is the eye-witness or the victim’s relatives and members get cowed down or pressurized and turn hostile in the court, thus helping the criminals or offenders get away.
Proper analysis of available inputs
DCP Ishu Sindhu said that the DB Squad and In-Charge Police Inspectors not only interpret and conduct detailed analysis of the criminal activity, they put two and two together to gain proper knowledge of their activities and then arrest them while the offenders and planning or executing the crime. Proper patrolling, having eyes and ears open to all information of offenders is helping them to keep a track of every action or movement of the offenders. The Police Marshals too are monitored and made to collect data and inputs of offenders.
Proper means of collection of inputs/ confidential tip-offs
According to DCP Ishu Sindhu, the Home Ministry have made available funds for detection, informers and other requirements of the police department which is helping the cops to bring the crime rate down. However, he added that there are some clerical errors of interpreting the heads under which a fund or a bill is used which had caused some confusion earlier, but now things are getting streamlined for effective policing.
Society needs to help youth find proper outlets of their frustrations
While speaking about the recent crimes committed by young offenders, DCP Ishu Sindhu said that various factors exist for them committing the crime. He added that almost everyone have frustrations of different kinds and due to different causative factors. However, different people find different ways of finding out-lets for their frustrations. While most people in the society adhere to the laws of the state and in a well adjusted manner find suitable outlets of their frustration, others especially the youth who are immature let out their frustration at the smallest incident inciting their anger and commit crime. The society must help the youth to find proper and legal means or outlets for their frustrations.
By Samuel Gunasekharan