Mumbai: The Indian Meteorological Department based in Pune, Maharashtra not only has a past record of misguiding the state farmers with its ‘faulty’ predictions but now even the Maharashtra state government, is upset with their performance.
It is the CM himself who has taken umbrage at their most recent gaffe.
After the heavy rainfall in the last week of August , specifically on 29th August brought Mumbai to its knees , people were very apprehensive about such sudden out pours which has Mumbai citizens marooned away from home often. The Government had also come in for a fair share of recriminations in not being able to warn citizens in time.
Thus when the IMD office intimidated that heavy rainfall was indicated over Mumbai and large parts of surrounding areas on 30th August 2017, the CM decided to pass on the warning for public.
Not just did the Education Minister Tayde order all schools and colleges to remain shut that day, but the CM had government offices also declare a ‘holiday.
They were in for much embarrassment when it did not rain at all in Mumbai that day. In fact it was a clear sunny day the whole day!
It is learnt that the CM has sent a written complaint against such wrong predictions to the concerned Ministry.