Devendra Fadnavis, State BJP chief and South-West Nagpur candidate, started his campaign for state elections today September 28 from Bhure Maidan, Rambagh.
He was accompanied by Sulekha Kumbhare, leader of Bahujan Republic Ekta Manch ( BREM) and ex Standing committee Chief Avinash Thakre.
Fadnavis started his spadyatra at 9 am from Bhure Maidan, Rambagh. All the members and office-bearers of South-West Nagpur unit of BJP participated in the rally.
In the evening, at 6.30 pm, the election campaign office of Fadnavis will be inaugurated at Khamla Road. Former MP Banwarilal Purohit will preside over the programme. MP Ajay Sancheti, MLC Anil Sole, MLA Krishna Khopde, Dr Sharad Nimbalkar, Ramesh Girde, Ramesh Mankar, Sandeep Joshi, Avinash Thakre and other dignitaries will remain present.