Nagpur: The Jaripatka-based G Kumar Arogyadham organised various religious programmes to celebrate Bhagwan Dhanwantari Jayanti and National Ayurved Day on Tuesday. The Diwali Special Issue of Swasthya Vatika was released at the hands of distinguished guests on the occasion
A discourse and pujan by Adv Madhavdas Mamtani on God of Health Dhanwantari Bhagwan was held in the morning from 8 to 9. The discourse and pujan were based on ‘Shri Dasam Granth’ penned by Shri Guru Govindsingh.
The Maharashtra Energy Minister and Guardian Minister Dr Nitin Raut, Rajya Sabha member Dr Vikas Mahatme, MP Krupal Tumane, MLA Krishna Khopde, MLCs Girish Vyas, Nago Ganar, former MLC Prakash Gajbhiye, Dr Vedprakash Mishra, Corporator Virendra Kukreja, Mahendra Dhanvijay, Pramila Mathrani, Sushma Chaudhari, Director of Agriculture Produce Marketing Committee (APMC) Prakash Wadhwani and other prominent personalities graced the programme.