Published On : Sun, Jun 13th, 2021

Dictating Doctors In Democracy !


The Corona Pandemic has bewildered & Baffled the mankind in all aspects. The world  appears to be paused & punished by the vindictive Virus. The Combat against Covid is been going on all fronts with sincere support & Efforts By Frontline Warriors. May it be Scientists , Police , Doctors , Public Administration , Sanitary Workers etc. all devoted and dedicated their specialized services  rigorously. In this Ambush with Anonymous , Many have  lost their lives  too, rising above the Call of their duty. We have  witnessed the great struggle administration and Police in maintaining law & order , along with Lockdown & other policy implementation. But , the worst Hit were Medical  Professionals , who were in the first row , as The Guard & Guardian against Corona. Without specified & Specialized weapon  , Medicos  Brave heartedly jumped into the life and death situation , without giving second thought or demanding special privilege & package. The miserable sight & plight of patients suffering and death toll was controlled and compassionated by enduring efforts of Medicos & Scientist. From  deploying  the Effective line of treatment to development of  Vaccines , it has been a long journey travelled in a short while with tireless contribution from Medical fraternity. But , when The entire  Human race has been terrified & horrified  by the worst Nightmare of Bio- Hazard , there were few self centered Individuals & Institutions  , who were looking this Pandemic as an opportunity to explore , Exploit and Encash Profitability. With multiple business model  without ethical values and moral practices , they ashamed Humanity with Heinous crime of capitalizing & Controlling rescue resources.

Doctors Dilemma –

The Niche & Noble Profession of Doctor has always been blend of challenging &  catastrophic  circumstances. In highly populated third world nation like India  , the Path to Become A Doctor is no lesser than treasure hunt ,engulfed with enormous adventures & Hardship. From preparing for tough  Entrances to Qualifying for few limited seats in  Mutli -Dimensional , multilevel , multi-reserved educational system. The exorbitant fees & exhaustive academic schedule  for  prolong time makes it not only one of the costliest but also longest duration course . The Medical aspirants need to keep their Morale High and spirits awake throughout their Journey ,  The professional practice in the real world is  even more roller coaster ride for Medicos. The struggle to start the practice , make it stable , Extend and Expertise it in present praxis is equally Herculean. The extensive study & settlement period, further delays family life too .   Facing all the fear factors and overcoming challenges with continuous  Update & Upgrade  of Know -How , the Doctor has to be  student for life time. The cost of Bio- Medical  Technology and  Equipments  is equally high , followed by bunch of rules & regulations of council and civic bodies. Practically, Every Medico is under sub-conscious stress and Anxiety in some way or the other. They are more vulnerable to infections ,Diseases  and  ailments  along with extreme work pressure of delivering positive results. All other professions might demand same level of Dedication, Determination and Discipline  , But the biggest difference is that Medicos directly deal with Human Life and  any error may result fatal loss. Hence , A Doctor always need to be Cool , Calm and demonstrate his control over mind and senses every moment. Practically , Every cured patient adds life to Doctors Bliss & Bless. Regular routine flooded with Emergencies , Calls , follow ups, Case Study &  Research  makes Medicos more  prone to Hypertension impacting  their quality & quantity of life both.  The Inspiration of work life balance in Medicos Life comes from the belief they practice  that ; ‘ A Hand which serves is more Holy than the lips which prays.’ The irony in most of the medicos life is that ; ‘ They can’t have their meals  when there are MANY patients  and also  without ANY patient (pun intended ).  The affluence and well to do  of the Medicos comes after sacrificing lot of self peace & wellness. The liability of Roles and Responsibilities are more than Asset of Rights to Medicos  . DX

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Unfortunately , The People who don’t raise their voice  and register concern against corrupt Politicians , Arrogant  Government Officials ,  Adamant  Contractors & Influential Industrialist are promptly prejudiced with claim & blame for Doctors.  Medicos are merely considered as privilege perk and treated as Soft targets  by few upstart & pseudo workers in modern praxis. The earlier image of Medicos as Almighty’s shadow & Angel   has been destroyed  & Degraded by few false fellows. Its really matter of great concern that in  rare case of unpleasant result or event .  patients and their associates attack Doctors , abuse them , damage their properties , threatening their life & Family. It molest their Morale and discourage them from delivering divine duties. Even , few Medicos takes extreme decision of not practicing medicine and not allowing Their next generation to follow the suit. This Talent Killing & Skill Spoiling works as a slow & silent poison for countries Health care . If  timely measures are not taken  continues , the day will come that Medical profession will loose its charisma and their will be great scarcity of devoted medicos. Human Body is an Enigma , which is extensive, Doctors are just enthusiastic explorers of wellness. They are Healers not Killers.


Recently , Chief  Patron of Patanjali  Group ,  Baba Ramdev   made controversial remark against the reliability of  Allopathy practioners and the efficiency of treatment in covid condition. The derogatory & defaming remark went to the level of challenging medicos questioning their Investigation , Intention & Integrity. This was not appreciated  , accepted & admired by Medicos & many others sensible citizens too,. Though , Baba Ramdev  is well versed with comment   & controversy.  May it be sharp escape from Jantar Mantar protest to making claim for magic & miracle Drug to cure , cancer , HIV , AIDS etc & even Corona  now. Baba Ramdev has turn &  twisted his tongue with rollback statements on many occasions for his controversial claims .  From eminent  YogGuru  to  enduring Entrepreneur ,  He has explored & expanded his Patanjali  group in short duration of time with great business acumen . Along with his close aide  Acaharya Balkrishna  ,he launched wide range of Pharma products and ventured Multi programs & projects. Practically , Baba Ramdev is playing on Golden Triangle  of , ‘Roti . Kapda Aur Dukaan’{ ( Paushtik ( Food ) , Paridhan ( Fashion) & Patanjali (Pharmaceuticals ) }. Social Savvy & Media Darling  Baba Ramdev  excels in exploring & exploiting  resources, His master craftsmanship  in presenting & promoting Yoga  to class & mass has benefited many  and rebuked the health awareness & wellness concern. Above  all he smartly succeeded to  encash his popularity in building his brand image and narrative about himself as ‘ Culture Commando’ & ‘Swadeshi. Synonym . In emotionally engulfed and Culturally concious  Demography like India , The creating & celebrating Idol is an  inevitable trait. Most of the Public figures enjoy this extra edge  exercise , assuming  them to be Sole & Supreme. This Narcissistic  misconception leads them to irresponsible and irrelevant behavaiour.   Baba Ramdev too got hallucinated by misinterpreting peoples faith & belief on Culture & Tradition  as His dominance & Fathom. He Solicited & argued on all the subjects & aspects without being authorized to do it. To quench his thirst for being in Highlight & Limelight , he followed the path  to be the Czar of Controversy. With rising Socio-political  & Economical  power  , Baba became Brake-less  Bicycle , Until  he met Medicos Mishap.

The Attitude achieved by meditation turned into arrogance with mudslinging on medication By YogGuru Ramdev. In an attempt to turn threat of corona into opportunity for his Coronil kitty , he went far ahead by ‘Questioning Those, who are Answers’. it Demoralized the sincere soldiers combating corona , making them feel insecure & insulted. Swami  Ramdev assumed that his Babagiri will not be challenged and he will emerged as  an enlightening entrepreneur & Philosopher of Pharmacy . But , ravishing reflex by Medico community made him to move on back foot, chew his Claims & swallow his Blames. But, Baba continues to argue in confession box too  and still not finding himself guilty of poisonous propaganda . Soliciting his satirical  Statement , he rebounds Medicos with series of absurd Questionnaire resulting in futile exercise of confusing others and concluding himself.  He could neither sympathize nor empathize with Covid  Warriors. He could ridicule and rage Medicos due to Impotent Intelligence and Corrupt Culture of few Power Patrons. To start even a small venture in our Country is Herculean task  flooded with multiple speed breakers of Rules , Regulations, laws & challenges of uncertainties . But, few bountifully blessed like Baba Ramdev gets Red carpet  Cake walk to the desired destination may it be establishing Industry or University or Chain of Malls & Stores at all premium places in peanut prices.  This pampering perks have made them callous to comment on Medicos as ‘ Placebo Practitioners’.  its matter of great disgrace that many propagated & Promoted Personae  like him considers themselves apex  authority  on all Eco-socio , Political & scientific issues without paying any heed to  experts and taking them  for granted . its not only heinous legal crime but also sin , ethically incorrect to mislead  , misguide  the mass. Perhaps ,it should be considered as equivalent  to Naxalism & Terrorism provoking propagation program , which spreads rumour and rage against their own system. This paltry practices paralyse the prime priority of the nation. In democracy Freedom of speech & right to express should be exercised with great responsibility & rationality . its tool to BUILD the bridge of Communication, Care & Concern  not BURN it.  Unfortunately . Human Beings  excels & enjoy more in Discovering Bad use of Good Inventions

Recently , Baba Ramdev after enormous embarrassment  admitted that he will be taking Covid Vaccine and  he has complete faith on doctors & Modern Medicine . Adding ‘ If & But’ he extended that he was pointing on Medical  / Pharma Mafia not Doctors. His rebound and re framed  damage control statement holds least value with futile effort, ‘To lock  the stable , after stallion is stolen’. Hope the Antibodies will cure his Anti- Feelings for Doctors  too and enhance not only his Immunity but also sanity & Humanity  .

Behind the Curtain – Beneath the Stage –

The problem lies much deep within , in biased comparison & corrupt  competition between vivid path of medical streams. The Simple  crux that ; ‘All Roads lead to Rome’   is not understood by mass &   many Medicine practitioners ,  making it a tug of war  situation. The Social Status  &  Salary Scale followed by mass psychology  giving partial treatment including respect & revenue  sows the seed of – inferiority- superiority complex.  Many  Pampered  Practitioners of modern Medicines show disregard &  disbelief for other alternative medicines.This Hymn of  Humiliation hounds the Humbleness  and makes a sharp divide of heinous Ours Versus Yours instead of harmonious Ours with Yours.  The Pharmaceutical Industry plays the pivotal role in running & rolling Medical Business. They Flood prospective promoters with Honey , Money & Funny Gifts & Greetings. From Institutional Conference  To Individual Cruise sponsorship,  To catch more market share and boost volume , Pharma Syndicate  practices all power principles. In era of cut throat competition & cost, Medicos finds cash & connection more practical then ethical. The flamboyant flourishing  of Doctors turns into Neighbour Envy , Owners pride situation. Hence they fail to admire & appreciate their close Cousins of Medicine  raising   the chaotic conflict of class among caretakers , which is not devoid of Jealousy, hatred , fear , Anger & Ego. Adding fuel to this fire , many  opportunistic entrepreneur  follows the age old formula of , ‘ Divide & Rule’ , making it more worst by colouring it with conflict between East & West , Culture Tradition & Modernization. Highly Inflammable Instincts immediately catches fire without understanding and turns assets into ashes in no time.  Baba Ramdevs narrative also falls in the same line of action. In an attempt to expand his territory of  Pharmaceuticals , he followed allegation instead of appreciation. He failed  to encash his culture card  by creating the illusion  of Ayurveda Vs  Allopathy conflict  and sabotage system due to  uniform rigid reflex from medicos.  His dictation was not taken for prescription in good health of the nation.

The egocentric education system  is equally responsible in  creating the Class Conflict in medical field . As it has conventionally neglected and subdued allied Medical Streams like Ayurveda , Unani , Homeopathy, Siddha etc. Though , Ayurveda- ancient of all medical sciences with history of pioneering Surgery  and conservative procedures  maintaining Life & Nature Balance is Heritage  treasure of India. Sushrut who pioneered Surgery & Many eminent  Holistic Healer like Sushen is treated as myth. But , Unfortunately other streams  of Medical practices are  not nurtured and nourished to its complete potential in British Raj and even in post independence era . The impact of British Education priority and principles were highly reflected in education system ,it is given secondary option and leftover loaf   treatment in medical education and practices. Instead of making conscience choice of faith,  it has turned into class choice of fashion. The cut off marks required for Modern Medicine is higher than other streams  , which follows next and creates a sense of inferiority in its seekers. Also , the pedagogy of medical science has not matured to  Andragogy with no open  thought for Heutagogy. Its stubborn syllabus confines to ‘ Frame Feeding & Boundary Bracketing’.

The Interdisciplinary approach and appreciation is still  alienated , with degrees are decorated in rhymes viz- MBBS . BAMS ,BHMS. BUMS etc.  But absurdly,  only Allopaths  could practice surgery and others are neither trained  nor taught practically about it. In highly populated nation like  India with dearth of trained Doctors , there need to be revision , revaluation and  restructuring of Medical Education system making it more  impartial & practical , with more rights and respect for all streams. The Ministry of AYUSH is established to execute the same Vision & Mission , but it  needs to expand & explore its exercise beyond scholarship &  Silent Support.  The Cantankerous propaganda against non allopathic system , heaping abuses on the approach should be controlled .  In Harmony ,The co-operative , Coordinated approach to wellness in coexistence is need of an hour , when health has assumed an altogether different hue in the shadow of covid pandemic.  A Joint Operation  of all  Medical practices with dignity  ‘To all- By all’ principle against corona will demonstrate better result with bigger workforce. The Doctors can neither be dictated nor dominated by any Demon , They are Motivated ,Mentored, Bestowed & Bounded by the Hippocratic Oath they pray & practice without Hypocrisy.

Dr. Vikramsingh Pachlore

{Author is an eminent Behavioural Scientist , Neuro Analyst ,Psychologist , Socio Political Thinker , Educationist , Psephologist, Scribe & Human Capital Coach }
