Nagpur News: The Sunday was different. Different and Cheerful. Different and Enthusiastic. Different and Hiilarious. Different and In High Spirits.
The Nagpur City or the Orange City Citizens’ Sunday Sojourn was Ambajhari Lake. For White Water Sports. The Picture Perfect. Words fall short to describe the scenario at the Overflowing Ambajhari Lake. It was a sort of sea, “sea” of citizens. Kids, Young Boys, Girls, Women, Men, Grandfathers, Grandmothers were cherishing every second of their lives at a place called Point of Owerflowing Ambajhari Water. Just Fun. Just Merriment. No moments of past pain. No moments of present pestering. No moments of future fighting. Just seconds of enjoying the sparkling and touching of wobbling water.
This was the scenario of mankind treasuring the every second, every minute, every hour of a SprightlySunday.
Some of the following quotes would sum up the Sunday at Ambajhari Lake of our Loving Nagpur City:
“I love those who can smile in trouble…” ― Leonardo da Vinci
“Remain cheerful, for nothing destructive can pierce through the solid wall of cheerfulness.”
“Daring enthusiasm, and abiding cheerfulness can accomplish everything on Earth without fail.”
“Just play. Have fun. Enjoy the game.” —- Michael Jordan, the greatest ever Basketball player
“Today was good. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one.”
So Nagpurians, say loudly and lovingly: Cheeeeeeeerrrrs!!!