Nagpur: Prime Minister Narendra Modi today launched BHIM-Aadhaar App at Digidhan Mela in Nagpur on the occasion of 126th birth anniversary of Dr B R Ambedkar.
Modi also launched several initiatives to further the digital payments revolution.
BHIM Aadhaar, the merchant interface of the BHIM App will pave the way for making digital payments by using Aadhaar.
Here are the highlights of his speech:
– Delighted to be here on Ambedkar Jayanti. I am honoured to have got the opportunity to pray at Deekshabhoomi
– Dr. Ambedkar did not have a trace of bitterness or revenge in him. This was his speciality
– Each and every Indian must have his or her own house. And that house must be equipped with electricity, water and other facilities
– People of India gave their lives so that India attains freedom. Our freedom is the result of the sacrifices made by several greats
– This DigiDhan movement is a safai abhiyaan. It is to fight the menace of corruption
– One of the sectors towards which we are devoting significant effort is the renewable energy sector
– Benefits of the projects inaugurated today will help our youngsters
– We are reaching a time when the mobiles phones will be where financial transactions will take place
– Dr. Ambedkar wanted to build an India for all citizens and ‘BHIM-Aadhaar’ is the strongest foundation of a ‘New Economy New India