Nagpur: In the ongoing VHA-Bhartia Aqua Inter-School Tournament being played at VHA Ground, four matches were scheduled to be played on Tuesday. But as the boys and girls teams of Jagat Public School failed to turn up, only two games were played. As a result, St Ursula School and M A K Azad School got walk over and gained points.
In the first match, girls teams of Kids World School and NMC’s M A K Azad School vied with each other. This match was draw with scores 0-0.
In the second match, Dinanath School handed over a drubbing to Royal Gondwana Public School by 7-0 goal margin. Venkatesh Usare hit the post four times while Tanmay Bandgade, Prajwal Chaudhary and Spandan Borkar scored one goal each.
Earlier on Monday, Prerna Bodkhe, the Standard X student of Ira International School once again hogged the limelight as she slammed six goals including a hat-trick in the ongoing inter-school hockey tournament at Vidarbha Hockey Association ground. Prerna’s six goals helped Ira International ‘A’ thrash Bhavan’s Bhagwandas Purohit Vidya Mandir, Ashti 8-0 and virtually secure a spot in the semi-finals of the competition with three wins from as many games. Prerna started her goalscoring spree in the second minute of play and then added three more in 6th, 9th and 19th minutes.
Anushka Bansule scored team’s fifth goal in the 22nd minute and Prerna once again tapped the ball home in 24th to make it 6-0. Sharvari Kumbhare made it 7- 0 with a soft goal and Prerna rounded it off with her sixth and team’s eighth goal in 38th minute. In boys section, Swaminarayan School thrashed Jagat Public School 8-0. Sahil Khodke scored goals in 1st, 15th, 20th, 23rd, 30th minutes while Himanshu Chelani (25th) and Akash Barbate (35th) were the goal scorers. In another match, Bhavan’s Ashti boys blanked St Michael’s 5-0 with Sarvesh Tutulkar (8th, 29th), Kulveer Reddy (14th), Aryan Singh (30th) and Ninad Bhusari (36th) scoring the goals.