The students of grades I to IX of Edify School, Nagpur recently celebrated the Director’s Day on the occasion of the birthday of school’s director, Dr Inderpreet Singh Tuli. Every year it’s celebrated with great fervor and a few Competitions are also held. A jubilant celebration at the school campus witnessed melodious songs, stimulating dance performances by the students of grade 4-8.
There was a dance competition,too.Students of grades 1-9 had prepared attractive and stupendous greeting cards which they offered to the Director on the occasion. The program began with a prayer to the almighty seeking blessings, conducted by the Principal of school, Dr Plex John. As mentioned by the anchors, Mast Madhuri and Miss Ashwita of grade VIII, this year the celebration had a greater significance as the director was conferred upon the honorary doctorate degree by the Commonwealth University of Bangkok.
The event was given momentum by the special presence of the Director’s school friends. Mrs Mandeep Kaur Tuli, another director and wife of Dr Inderpreet Singh Tuli enlightened students on the importance of friendship in life and appealed to them to value this endowment by God. The students concluded the event by thanking the in-charge of the event, Mr Dinesh Ghate, dance teacher, Mr Chetan,music teachers, Mr Akash and Miss Tanya and the facilitator,Mrs Kanchan Pandey for helpingin event’s success.