Nagpur: A deeply disturbing incident has come to light in Nagpur city, where a retired Police Sub-Inspector (PSI) is accused of raping a 14-year-old girl from his locality. The accused, identified as Kavdu Dhurve, allegedly filmed the abusive acts, further aggravating the crime. This shocking case has created turmoil within the Police Department.
The victim’s family has lodged a complaint at the Gittikhadan Police Station, following which a case of rape and related offenses has been registered against the retired police officer.
The 14-year-old victim, an eighth-class student, resides with her parents in the Gittikhadan area. The accused, Kavdu Dhurve, retired from the Motor Transport Department of the Nagpur City Police and lives in the same neighbourhood.
According to the police, Dhurve was a close family friend and frequently visited the victim’s house. Over time, he developed sinister intentions toward the girl. Using chocolates as a pretext, he lured her and engaged in inappropriate acts when her parents were away. He intimidated the girl, warning her not to disclose the abuse to anyone.
Emboldened by the girl’s silence, Dhurve continued his predatory behaviour, repeatedly visiting her home and forcing her into physical relations. On certain occasions, he took her to his house and sexually assaulted her. He filmed these acts on his mobile phone and used the footage to blackmail her, threatening to share the explicit content on social media if she did not comply with his demands.
The victim, however, started distancing herself from the accused in recent days. Enraged by her resistance, Dhurve threatened to leak the videos. Despite his threats, the brave girl stood her ground and resisted further contact.
In retaliation, Dhurve reportedly posted obscene photos and videos of the girl on a WhatsApp group in the locality. Shocked by this act, some residents alerted the victim’s father about the explicit content. Upon learning of the situation, the girl’s family immediately approached the Gittikhadan Police Station and lodged a complaint.
The police have registered a case against the pervert accused Kavdu Dhurve under relevant charges and probing the matter further.