Disha Patani, who was last seen in Ahmed Khan’s Bhaagi 2 opposite Tiger Shroff, is one of the hottest Bollywood divas. Disha’s hot bikini pictures are ones to die for. The actor recently took to social media to share her pictures in a black-white stripped monokini (bikini). We all are crazy about this hot-yet-innocent looking actress, who’s definitely the next big thing in Bollywood. The actress not only posted a picture on Instagram, also added a story on her social media account, which lasts for 24 hours only. We have taken a screenshot for you so that you don’t miss her hotness.
Disha Patani’s Instagram is full of beach pictures and videos that show she is a water baby. Still, we can’t keep calm whenever the actress uploads a new post.
Disha Patani has appeared in Cadbury Dairy Milk advertisement in 2015 which made her quite popular. She made her debut in Puri Jagannadh’s Loafer. In 2016, she appeared in a music video Befikra along with Tiger Shroff. She even played Sushant Singh’s love interest in MS Dhoni: The Untold Story which was a biopic based on Indian cricketer Mahendra Singh Dhoni’s life.