Nagpur: The Divisional Commissioner Anoop Kumar on Wednesday called a high-level meeting to review arrangements to be made for 59th Dhammachakra Pravartan Din to be celebrated at Deekshabhoomi on October 22 (Thursday). Anoop Kumar directed all the concerned departments and officials to ensure smooth and peaceful celebration of the event.
The meeting was attended by office-bearers of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Smarak Samiti and high-ranking Government officials that was held at Meeting Hall of office of Divisional Commissioner. Those prominently present include Secretary of Smarak Samiti Sadanand Fulzele, NMC Commissioner Shravan Hardikar, DCP Ishu Sindhu and heads of various departments.
Yesterady only, a meeting presided over by District Collector reviewed the arrangements to be made at Deekshabhoomi. All the aspects of the facilities were discussed in the meeting. The Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) should carefully test the food items and ensure hygiene. Fire Brigade too has to pay a crucial role in management of various responsibilities and therefore coordination with each other is necessary for smooth and peaceful conduct of Dhammachakra Pravartan Din in city, said the Divisional Commissioner.
The arrangements to be made at the venue include installation of CCTV cameras at vintage points, uninterrupted power supply, drinking water supply, cleanliness, toilets, bathrooms, and other important arrangements.