Nagpur: Dr Sanjeev Kumar, Divisional Commissioner, and Ravindra Thakare, District Collector, both have rubbished the rumours circulating on social media about certain dates of another lockdown in Nagpur. Issuing an official statement on Wednesday evening, Dr Sanjeev Kumar appealed to the people not to believe in rumours on social media.
“If at all, situation warrants imposing lockdown, people will be informed about the dates at least four days in advance,” he added. Dr Nitin Raut, Guardian Minister of district, has already made it clear that the committee comprising Divisional Commissioner, Commissioner of Police, Municipal Commissioner, and District Collector would take decision regarding lockdown and that too after informing the people about it four days in advance. “As the decision about lockdown has not been taken so far, people should not believe in rumours,” he stated. In another statement, Thakare made it clear that the post circulating on social media in the context of lockdown was ‘false, misleading’.
He appealed to the people not to believe such rumours as no meeting of the committee had been held in District Collectorate as claimed in the said fake post, regarding lockdown for the period of Bakr-Id and Raksha Bandhan. “Strict action will be taken against those who spread false and misleading information on social media and trying to create panic among people,” Thakare said.