Published On : Sun, Mar 9th, 2014

Doc shock: MRI Center diagnoses a teenage girl with brain tumour in height of negligence


An auto-rickshaw driver Ganesh Ambade revealed the harrowing experience he and his daughter went through. Following some complications, Ambade’s daughter was referred to Panorama MRI Center for brain scanning.  After the MRI, the doctor at the Center diagnosed the 14-year old girl with 3.9 mm tumour in her brain. The diagnosis jolted Ambade severely and after a round of consultations in the city, he finally decided to take his daughter to Delhi’s AIIMS for further treatment due to paucity of money. The AIIMS doctors, after treating the girl for 19 days, declared her fit and healthy. Doctors also declared that the girl was not having brain tumour or for that matter, not suffering from any cancer.

Nagpur News.

In an awful development, a doctor running an MRI Center almost “killed” a 14-year old girl patient by diagnosing her with brain tumour and the subsequent torturous treatment to cure the deadly disease. Shockingly, the girl was not at all suffering from brain tumour or any cancer. But the girl went through all the dangerous-than-disease medical procedures to get rid of “brain tumour.” In medical terms, diagnosis of cancer itself, sometimes, kills the patients by shock and trauma.

Now, the ball is in the courts of Doctors, Indian Medical Association (IMA), Medical Council of India (MCI), Police, and public at large. Whether the case is of commission, cheating or other nefarious designs will only be known after a thorough investigation into the matter.


In the instant development, an auto-rickshaw driver Ganesh Ambade revealed the harrowing experience he and his daughter went through. Following some complications, Ambade’s daughter was referred to Panorama MRI Center for brain scanning.  After the MRI, the doctor at the Center diagnosed the 14-year old girl with 3.9 mm tumour in her brain. The diagnosis jolted Ambade severely and after a round of consultations in the city, he finally decided to take his daughter to Delhi’s AIIMS for further treatment due to paucity of money. The AIIMS doctors, after treating the girl for 19 days, declared her fit and healthy. Doctors also declared that the girl was not having brain tumour or for that matter, not suffering from any cancer. The new development left Ganesh Ambade shell-shocked. He felt cheated and fooled.

Ganesh Ambade, boiling with anger, decided to take the case to its logical end. He, with the help of Subhash Gajbhiye of “Anyay Nivaran Sanghatan,” lodged a complaint with Ambazari Police Station in this connection. When media got the mindboggling information, it contacted Dr Shirish Dhande of Panorama MRI Center for his comments over the dubious episode. But instead of clarifying the matter, Dr Dhande, in threatening words, repeatedly uttered to take the issue to Medical Council of India (MCI) and Indian Medical Association (IMA).


The auto driver Ganesh Ambade’s 14-year old daughter studies in a Jaripatka-based school. One day, she felt her head spinning and also fainted in the school. When the condition of the girl started deteriorating, the teachers and relatives rushed her to Mayo Hospital. Doctors in Mayo advised Ganesh Ambade to take his daughter to Shankar Nagar-based Panorama MRI Center for brain scan in order to ascertain exact cause head spinning and fainting. Dr Shirish Dhande of the MRI Center diagnosed Ambade’s daughter with brain tumour. The doctors at Mayo then referred her to Super Speciality Hospital. However, Dr Pravin Patnayak of Super Speciality Hospital advised Ganesh Ambade to take his daughter to Hinduja Hospital in Mumbai. But due to poor financial condition, Ambade decided to treat his daughter in Delhi’s AIIMS. And here exactly the entire “Brain Tumour” episode got exposed.


Dr Shirish Dhande, who runs the Panorama MRI Center, on the contrary, blamed the doctors at Mayo and Super Speciality Hospital for goof-up. According to Dr Dhande, “I had just opined the possibility of brain tumour in my MRI report. No Scanning Center gives 100 per cent guarantee of any cancer. Pathology tests are carried out to ascertain the disease. And that is not my job,” Dr Dhande said.

But when media countered his version and asked him how many tests the patient should undergo for diagnosing a specific disease. Is he leaving the fate of patients to only pathology tests? They why the enormously costly MRI scanning? The pointed questions turned Dr Dhande fuming and furious and he retorted, “I will go to Medical Council of India against the doctors (Mayo and Super Speciality Hospital) and even against Ambade.” Dr Dhande crossed all limits when he uttered some very abusive words while commenting on the media questions.

Dr Varsha Dhawle, President of IMA said she is not aware of the case. “I will take further step only after a complaint is received by IMA in this respect.”

The complainant Subhash Gajbhiye informed that Dr Dhande abused him with choicest words and even threatened to take action against him when contacted Dr Dhande on phone.


The determined Subhash Gajbhiye has decided to take the case to its logical end and thus lodged complaints with Indian Medical Association and Police Commissioner K K Pathak as well against Panorama MRI Center, the epicenter of tremors that have jolted the medical fraternity and public, too. Gajbhiye has attached Xerox copies of Panorama and AIIMS reports with his complaints. Gajbhiye has submitted all relevant documents to office of IMA and had talked with IMA Nagpur President Dr Varsha Dhawle but could not meet her personally.

Meanwhile, the Ambazari Police Inspector Anil Katkade said that a letter has been sent to Superintendent of Government Medical College and Hospital (GMCH) for opinions of experts in the case. The details would be known after the report of the experts, the PI said.