Nagpur: Underworld don Arun Gawli, who is lodged in Nagpur Central Jail, has filed a petition in Nagpur Bench of Bombay High Court seeking a four-week furlough (leave) for meeting family members. Hearing on the matter was held before a Division Bench of Justice Bhushan Dharmadhikari and Justice Vinay Deshpande who issued notices to Mumbai Police Commissioner and Deputy Inspector General (Prisons), Nagpur Division, directing them to file an affidavit in this regard within two weeks.
Gawli is undergoing life imprisonment in connection with murder of Shiv Sena Corporator in Mumbai. In May 2015, Gawli had taken a 30-day leave for his son Mahesh’s marriage. Therafter, the don had applied for leave in October 2015. Subsequently, the DIG (Prisons) sent a letter to Mumbai Police Commissioner and asked for his report on the matter. At that time, the Mumbai Police Commissioner had objected to granting of leave to Gawli citing reason that the don’s arrival in Mumbai could spurt the crimes in city. On the basis of Mumbai CP’s report, the DIG (Prisons) Yogesh Desai rejected Gawli application for leave on January 27, 2016. Hence Gawli moved the High Court and filed a petition for a 30-day furlough.
Adv Mir Nagman represented Gawli.