New Delhi: Expressing disquiet over Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa’s medical condition, Bharatiya Janata Party Rajya Sabha MP Subramanian Swamy on Monday said that he is pinning his hope for another miracle.
Swamy told media, “She was recovering in a miraculous way but then 74 days in hospital. As a consequence, the heart will be put to great deal of strain, and so, just as she was about to be discharged the heart gave out. So, it has to revive, and now, she is on support systems and top experts are coming in. We don’t know whether there will be another miracle or not.”
Swamy said that Jayalalithaa was able to fill the gap of Marudur Gopalan Ramachandran and she had many other qualities. “She was far more intelligent, she had much more education, self education. Jayalalitha used to read books, facts and share a tremendous memory. So she became bigger then MGR in one sense, but more feared. MGR was generally loved never feared,” he added.
“Bharatiya Janata Party is a party without stature there; AIADMK have been ministers from a long time. They don’t have anybody of stature whom they would accept as a leader. So, therefore, I am afraid BJP might not be able to take advantage of it. AIADMK guys will not do chaos because they are in grief, the other parties, particularly Naxalites, LTTE, IS… They would like to create this kind of chaos. So our centre has been preparing for this situation from a long time, almost 75 days to be exact,” Swamy said.