The students of Delhi Public School MIHAN brought laurels to the school in the Ryan Minithon organised by St. Xavier’s High School, Hingna Road, Nagpur.
Delhi Public School was awarded the Over All Championship Trophy for their performance in the event. Earlier, Kaushik Chaudhari won in the Under 14 boy’s race, while S.J. Kirthick and AnoushkaBagadia came 2nd in Under 12 boys and Under 14 girl’s race. KeyaGajbhiye came 5th in the Under 14 girl’s race.
The children were awarded by the hands of Nagpur’s MLA Mr. VikasThakre.
The Principal of Delhi Public School MIHAN Ms. Nidhi Yadav congratulated the winners and the sports department for their success.
The atheletes were trained under the guidance of the Sports Faculty of Delhi Public School Mihan Mr. AbhilashBhusari, Mr. YogeshRotke and Ms. NamrataBhaghel.