Nagpur: According to information based on a police complaint filed by a person named Himanshu Omprakash Verma, the renowned heart specialist of the city, Dr Jaspal Arneja, who was on a morning walk, was hit by an unidentified speeding car near Ramdaspeth Park here on April 2, 2017. The car driver fled the spot along with his vehicle and is being searched by cops.
According to complaint, Dr Jaspal Arneja along with his friend Himanshu Verma (45), resident of Vijay Nagar, Chhaoni, was on a morning stroll near Ramdaspeth Park on April 2. At the same time, a speeding black-coloured car hit Dr Arnjeja. He was taken to his hospital itself in Ramdaspeth for first aid. He is in good health.
On the basis of a complaint lodged by Himanshu Verma, Sitabuldi PSI G M Bhoyar booked the unidentified car driver and is searching for him.
This report is based on a police press release issued on Thursday (April 20).