Published On : Tue, Jul 24th, 2018

Dr.Pachlore foundations ‘Pride Of Planet 2018’ Awarded to Padmashri Dr. Mohan Agashe


Dr. Pachlore Foundations- Maestro Multiversity,India Is An Internationally Acclaimed & Celebrated Organization Exploring Its Services In The field of Social, Cultural, Rural, Educational & Medical Development. The Foundation is renowned name in Central India among Elite class and mass for its outstanding contribution in social and community services.

The pivotal issues of Farmers suicide, women empowerment , child and human rights, Malnutrition, Rural Health and Education is Successfully resolved and served by the trust. This year the foundation was successful in saving lives of more than 5407 farmers and students suicide cases with its Any Time Madat (ATM ) Centers , working at the grass root level.

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Thursday 13 March 2025
Gold 24 KT 87,100 /-
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Dr. Pachlore Foundations Annual fiesta – ‘ Inspiration Fest’ bedazzled every class and mass of the central India with its innovative practices and creative principles. The Maestro Multiversity got glittering and Glamorous on the eve of Inspiration Fest with Veteran actor Dr. Mohan Agashe , who was in town for Internationally acclaimed , ‘Pride Of Planet – 2018’ Award hosted & Given by Dr. Pachlore Foundations , ‘ Maestro Multiversity, India.

Every Year Foundation Celebrates its Inspiration Fest to spread and share awareness about various issues of concern, making it one of its kind event of Health , Happiness & Harmony. The apex highlight of the event is celebrated with conferring of Pride Of planet Award, which Is The Prestigious Recognition Honour Every Year To An Individual For Rendering Extraordinary Contribution In The Vivid Field Of Scientific, Social, Cultural, Educational ,Medical, Legal, Rural, Women Empowerment, Human Rights, International Peace, Literature, Management , Arts & Community Services. Right From The Inception The Award Has Attracted Many Intellectuals And Achievers Of International Repute.

The Elite List of past Pride of Planet Award winner Includes Madame JustynaKrukowska (Poland) , Dr.PratibhataiDevisinghShekhawat , Bishop Rosario , Bunny Reuben ,Dr. Lokendrasingh , Col. Padmanabhan , Prof. C.B Nadgouda, KrishnaPrakash ( IPS), Dr. Satish Wate , Dr. GovindKasat , and many other Intellectuals have decorated the Hall Of Fame.

This year the award was conferred to the most versatile and dynamic Veteran Actor , Director , Thinker and renowned Psychiatrist Padmashri Dr. Mohan Agashe for his exemplary and enriching contribution in the field of Art – Culture Conservation and Medical Services . The dazzling event witness the galaxy of stars from every field and arena registering their remarkable presence .

In his opening address, Director- Dr. VikramsinghPachlore said -“Generally, The Award Enhance , Elevates& Inspire An Individual, And there are very few Individuals like Dr. Mohan Agashe who elevates and enhances the accord of Award. He has already been An Living Institution in itself. We pray and wish , for him”, Expressed Dr. VikramsinghPachlore. He further added “ Every year Inspiration fest recharge, rejuvenates and rebukes all of us with new joy, vigor and enthusiasm to render our welfare mission and visionary task. With the bestowed blessing of all well wishers and above all living legend , Dr, Mohan Agashe we feel In his opening address, Director- Dr. VikramsinghPachlore said – “Generally, The Award Enhance , Elevates& Inspire An Individual, And there are very few Individuals like Dr. Mohan Agashe who elevates and enhances the accord of Award. He has already been An Living Institution in itself. We pray and wish , for him”, Expressed Dr. VikramsinghPachlore.

He further added “ Every year Inspiration fest recharge, rejuvenates and rebukes all of us with new joy, vigor and enthusiasm to render our welfare mission and visionary task. With the bestowed blessing of all well wishers and above all living legend , Dr, Mohan Agashe we feel on Cloud Nine of Faith and satisfaction. SalusPopuliSuperma Lex ( Welfare of the People is the supreme law) is the belief and motto of Dr. Pachlore Foundations and we will always strive for it”.

Dr. PadmakarSomvanshi( Dean – PDMMC ) said, ‘ I appreciate sincere and dedicated work carried by the Dr. Pachlore Foundation like true missionaries. The service methodology here is scientific and systematic. I feel proud and honour to be associated with this organization and to be part of this historical event.”
Dr. Rana introduced the life and legacy of Dr. Mohan Agashes historical work and wisdom ”

The Mystic Maestro Dr. Mohan Agashe mesmerized everyone with his Charismatic personae . The Prestigious Pride of Planet Award consisting of Inspiration Plaque , Shawl , Certificate Of Appreciation , Momentoand Sword Of Honour was given by the Holy Hands Of Bishop Elias GonsalvesMaasahebSheeladevi , Dr. VikramsinghPachlore , Lady Governor KamaltaiGawai& Dr. PadmakarSomwanshi ( Dean -PDMMC). Overwhelmed with ecstasy and deep Emotions Dr. Mohan Agashe expressed his gratitude for the award. He said, “ This Award feels like rebuking and rejuvenating dose of new enthusiasm to me. I feel Greatly Honoured and humbly delighted to be bestowed with such a prestigious Award from such A pristine Dr. Pachlore Foundation. This is Medallion for my worship and meditation of last 50 years.

Art is not merely field but it has its own temperament in itself. It requires one to transcend through different ethos of life and experiences . Love &life is the nucleus and essence of Art & Culture. Further he added ,“ I feel more responsibility on my shoulder now I all sense . Its really great to witness the herculean task and selfless service of Dr. Pachlore Foundation in the field of socio- cultural , educational and health development . Dr. Agashe Recalled his visit to Amaravati before 30 years for the play , ‘ GhashiramKotwal’, on the occasion.

Bishop Elias Gonsalves blessing the occasion expressed , “ we see a lot preaching of , service to man is service to god , but rarely we see a practical and real example of it . But, Dr. Pachlore foundation is true halo of hope and happiness , the services rendered for the students and farmers through its Any Time Madat ( ATM) center is remarkable. Its true epitome of selfless service and humanitarian nurturing values.

Ex- Lady Governor Mrs. KamlataiGawai congratulatedDr, Pachlore foundations for their several welfare projects and mission activities carried for the all strata of society. Its really worth appreciating to see the global exapansion of dr. pachlorefoundation while nurturing local roots.

Zara SamjunGhya …. ! ( An Intellectual treat)
The star studded evening filled with galaxy of Intellectuals , witnessed the aesthetics attribute of Dramatics by the performance of Marathi play , “Zara SamjunGhya” ( roughly, “Lets Work it out” written Dr, VivekBele , Directed by AbhayGodse and produced by Maharashtra cultural center, Pune.

Then play was real treat for the fans of Dr. Mohan Agashe in the lead role as the senior Dr. Bhagwat a wise elder who is calm and composed in the midst of stormy debates , Insightful and keenly objective , yet witty and compassionate. Also the Co-Star ManjushaGodse, as the bitingly critical T.V talk show anchor won the hearts of the audience with her articulate diction and distinctive dialogues.

The play commenting on the present crisis of strengthening Patient- doctor relation and increasing misunderstanding ,agony and hatred. The play tries to solicit both the sides with impartial comment from patients and doctors view point,
Dr. Agashe ,who impressed the audience with his eloquent dialogues and empathetic expression. The live Tete- a- Tete projected by the Audio Video medium and timing served as intellectual and Innovative treat to the audience , winning the heart and touching the soul of the elite crowd. Dr. Mohan Agashe Rocked the Drama Rendezvous with his eloquent expressions , colloquial manner , articulate presentation and above all divine simplicity. Dr. Mohan Agashemesmerized the audience with stunningperfomane covering all shades and shadow of life. He confined himself in all sense Show Stealer and Show Stopper in his signature Nepali Cap.

The Inspiration Idol Award. –
Dr. Pachlore foundation Also felicitated two Glocal Achievers, Eminent Medical and Community service provider Dr. Valsangkar , Solapur & UCN Cable network Pvt. Ltd. Nagpur. with Inspiration Idol Trophy for their enduring achievement. Expressing Gratitude for the Foundation Dr. Valsangkarsaid , “ It feels good tobe recognized for the cause your are striving for. Our endurance and Medical exercise is similar to kind of hard work for social cause done by Dr. Pachlore foundation.

The new generation should nurture culture of classic taste and tradition”
Shri. RajeshkumarSingh ( Chief – Editor , UCN Channel said , ‘ its great honour and moment of pride for me to receive the honour of Inspiration Idol in presence of Dr. Agashe .we are bonded with ethics to provide ethical Mass communications. Journalism is our passion and profession , but getting recognized for it at such an elite platform , we feel obliged and thankful to Dr. Pachlore foundation. Mr. YogeshNanwani was bestowed with ‘ BestOdyssian Award on the Ocassion Amidst the laughing and cheering the thunderous applause ; even the odd sigh of disappointment, stood a moment that will go down in every Vidharbians album book as an outstanding memory of life.

For the , ‘ Inspiration Fest organized by Dr. Pachlore Foundations Planet- V, Maestro Multiversity India. Professionals & Students from all over India and Abroad from various streams of Management, Medical, Engineering, Arts &Humaities gathered to mark Inspiration Day into big fiesta . The management & student presented classical and cultural splendid show.

The Glittering Glam POP Award event witness the classical gathering of Intellectual class and popular mass leaders including Dr. Choudhary , Dr. Lunge ,Dr.Ranade , Dr. Patil, members of IMA from vidharbha , Prof.M.T. Deshmukh , Rajesh Chandak ,Dr. Dholeand others. Prof. NeeranjanChitare anchored the show , which also witnessed some elegant performance by local artist.

The spectators will truly mark this Historical International event by Dr. Pachlore Foundation which enriched the cultural soil and sown seed of universal brotherhood peace, & harmony as life changing episode of their life , positively.The Elite , Executive and Enormous Fan associates of Dr. Mohan Agashe and associates of Maestro Multiversity has expressed joy and delight over the Extravagant event at central India attended by the great number of class and mass.
