Nagpur News:
Prominent social activist Jammu Anand who recently joined the Aam Admi Party (AAP) came out in support of Dr Rupa Kulkarni. According to Jammu Anand, Dr Rupa Kulkani has been made a victim of conspiracy.
It could be mentioned here that Anjali Damania was given the ticket from Aaam Admi Party for the upcoming Lok Sabha Elections. Giving the ticket to Anjalai Damania who hails from Mumbai irked many leaders of AAP who hail from Vidarbha. These leaders from Vidarbha had come out openly and flayed the decision.
Dr Rupa Kulkarni too belongs to this group. While flaying the decision of giving the ticket to Anjali Damania, she had alleged of the AAP is favouring some of their own most liked persons and is giving tickets only to them.
However Jammu Anand said that this opposing of the decision by Dr Kulkarni is a well thought off and planned conspiracy.
It could also be mentioned here that the name of Dr Rupa Kulkarni was very prominent for fighting the Lok Sabha Elections from Nagpur, but in the last moment, the name of Anjali Damani was proposed. This move cause severe rift within the party.
However Jammu Anand denied of any rift or plaints or anger among the party activists against the working pattern of the party.
While Jammu Anand agreed that Dr Rupa Kulkarni’s anger is justified, he supported AAP for giving of ticket to Anjali Damani, since she is from Maharashtra and is an Indian. Calling her as an outsider is totally unjustified. He added that the ticket was given to her seeing her patriotism, commitment towards the national interest and enthusiasm for social activities.
While concluding, he beseeched the masses to come out of personal grievances and anger and to keep the betterment of the nation uppermost in the minds. He appealed Dr Rupa Kulkani and other denizens of Nagpur city to support Anjali Damania and take active part to election campaigning for Anjali Damania in winning.