Five armed assailants chased history-sheeter in full public view and was done to death after making him run for life. The incident happened opposite Gandhi Sagar Bal Udhyan on Sunday night. About 4-5 killers came in a car however, none of them could be identified. Cops are trying to trace them down with the help of CCTV footage. The deceased has been identified as Ganesh Baiju Gaur, resident of Bajaria. Meanwhile, sensation and panic gripped the area.
On Sunday at around 8.45 pm, the assailant intercepted Ganesh and attacked him brutally with sharp-edged weapon. They later smashed his head against a stone leading to his death on the spot. Ganesh was said to have been involved in many criminal activities in the past. He had reportedly gone to refuel his bike before the incident. The assailants blocked him at the petrol pump only. Ganesh tried to escape and in a hurry he hit his bike to another car coming from opposite direction. Later he started running but he was rounded up till then. Two people disembarked from the car and rained blows on him. They attacked him with sharp weapons.
The incident was reportedly the fallout of some old dispute that led to the deadly game. The blood-stained boulder and shoes of Ganesh have been recovered from the spot. Shockingly, many people remained a mute spectator to this killing, however, no one dared to interfere. Later, someone informed police control room. Thana incharge Sudhir Nandanwar also reached the spot. Further investigation is on. CCTV footage shows assailants in the act
A CCTV camera installed outside a shop where the incident happened, captured the entire murder in which the assailants are seen running after Ganesh and then doing him to death.