Published On : Sat, Mar 27th, 2021

Dynamic Faculties Will Frame Future Of Nation – Dr. A V Deshmukh


KDM Education Society’s, Vidarbha Institute of Technology Nagpur , has arranged a Faculty Development Program on “Role of National Education Policy in Nation Building ” on 26th March 2021 in collaboration with DBATU Lonere which was sponsored under TEQIP-III .

It was live on google platform . Dr. H K Abhyankar Executive Director K J Group of Institutes Pune, Dr. Deepak Shikarpur , Sr IT Technoprenuer Pune , Dr. Ajay V Deshmukh Director Centre for Industrial Mathematics Bhaskarcharya Pratisthan Pune, Dr. Aditya Abhyankar Prof and HOD Technology Department , SPPU Pune, Dr. Bhushan Kelkar Director, Neuflux Talent Solutions Pvt Ltd, Mr. Satish Ranade , Industry Expert, Dr. Hrishikesh Soman Principal Symbiosis College of Arts and Commerce Pune and Dr S S Uttarwar was speakers for FDP.

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Friday 07March 2025
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Majority of viewers around the globe was on line for the webinar. At the beginning Dr.S S Uttarwar Convenor and Principal VIT introduce Speakers and welcome all on line participants. Prof. Priyanka Godbole introduce guests to participants and explain about their topics. Prof. Pranali Wankhede proposes vote of thanks.

Webinar starts with the present condition of Academic scenario and picture expected in NEP 2020. Speakers share present status of academics with gathering. They gave brief idea about societies and Govts expectations from teacher and academic institutes .

In their delivery Dr H K Abhyankar elaborate the role of Teacher in shaping the future , Dr. Deepak Shirpurkar highlight the role of Information Technology and Education, Dr. Ajay Deshmukh narrates the importance of faculty development and states that dynamic teachers will frame the future of Nation . Dr Aditya Abhyankar explain importanc of research activities and its significance in NEP, Dr. Bhooshan Kelkar explain the significance of artificial intelligence in faculty development and its role in overall development of a teacher,Mr. Satish Ranade speaks on Importance of Industrial Collaborations, and explain importance of it. Dr. S S Uttarwar explain structure of NEP and the role of NEP for better future of India. He says that In NEP 2020, school education structure is modified with Pedogogical and Curricular restructuring of 5+3+3+4 covering the ages 3-18 years. There are four stages . first is foundational stage which is from age 3 to 6 for anganwadi or pre school. Age 6-8 , tow years is for class 1 and 2.

Second stage is preparatory stage in the age 8-11 ie three years for class 3 to 5. Third stage is middls stage at age 11 to 14, ie 3 years for class 6 to 8. And forth stage is secondary at the age 14-18 ie four years for class 9 to 12.

In current system age group 3 to 6 is not covered in 10+2 class 1 begins at age 6. In 5+3+3+4 structure a strong base of early chieldhood care and education from age 3 is included which will promote better learning’s.
