Nagpur News.
To save environment and for making people aware about this, every year March months last Saturday is celebrated as Save Earth (Earth Hour).
This event started in Sidney, Australia in the year 2007. In that first event 22 lakh people from 2000 establishments participated. The aim of the programme is to save environment and to make people aware about this.
At this time in 2007, 2000 establishments and 22 lakh people from this city began this significant campaign by saving electricity from 8-30 to 9-30 pm. The campaign has now spread to 153 countries and 7001 cities. So it is the last Saturday of the March, which is day scheduled for the event. By saving electricity, from 8-30 to 9-30 pm. people can show their concern for environment and participate in the campaign.
Nagpur Municipal Corporation is also participating in the campaign and has appealed to the citizens to save power on March 29, from 8-30 to 9-30 pm.
The campaign is also organised at Eternity Mall, Jaswant Mall, Nagpur Central Mall from 8-30 pm to 9-30 pm.
Similarly, a general appeal is made by NMC Commissioner, Shyam Wardhane to the citizens and establishments in Nagpur to save electricity from 8-30 to 9-30 pm. on March 29, 2014. Save power show concern for environment, protect environment.