Nagpur: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) continued its crackdown on scamsters by searching the bank lockers of cricket bookie Sanjay Agrawal and recording his statement during day-long searches on Friday. ED officials reported that unaccounted cash and jewelry were seized from Agrawal’s Ramdaspeth residence during the raid conducted on March 3.
The ED team arrived at Agrawal’s sprawling bungalow in Ramdaspeth in the morning and questioned him about the seized cash and jewelry. ED officials said he owned many expensive cars and several properties. With information about his bank accounts, the ED officials also searched his bank lockers.
During the searches, many incriminating documents were seized, according to the ED. It’s worth noting that on Wednesday, the ED had recorded the statement of Rammu alias Ramdev Agrawal, the owner of Sandesh City. The ED had also seized Rs 1.21 crore cash and gold and diamond jewelry worth more than Rs 5.51 crore during the raids at 15 places in Nagpur and Mumbai, including premises of Rammu Agrawal, Sanjay Agrawal, Pankaj Mehadia, Lokesh Jain, and Karthik Jain.
The raids were conducted on March 3 following the ED’s investigation under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) based on the FIR registered at Sitabuldi Police Station against Pankaj Nandlal Mehadiya, Lokesh Santosh Jain, Kartik Santosh Jain, Balmukund Lalchand Keyal, and Premlata Nandlal Mehadiya for a fraud causing losses to investors in crores of rupees.