Nagpur: Even as the new educational session has reached its quarter, the education department now seems to be doing the formality of meeting with principals of private schools and junior colleges over various issues of students including that of heavy school bags. The education department has called the meeting on Thursday at Dhanwate National College, to discuss various issues apart from the weight of school bags. These include CCTV surveillance of campuses and biometric attendance for students and staff. All the city institutes are required to attend the meeting where they will have an interactive session at the end where queries will be answered by education officials.
There are multiple topics on agenda, to be discussed at length, but academicians say only few will be taken up.
Madhusudhan Mude, general secretary of Headmasters Association (Nagpur district) said, “There will be lot of discussion required on issues like schoolbag weight and excess schoolteachers plus how to absorb them in vacant posts.”
Zafar Khan, president of School Headmasters Charitable Association, said practical solutions are needed for problems faced by schools. “Heavy schoolbags are not allowed and a known fact but we have to figure out how to counter it. Parents are stuffing bags of kids with two tiffins, big water bottle, thick books for tuitions. How does the school figure in this? We have no role to play such things and it’s very hard to convince parents about certain issues,” said Khan.
One of the things which is not on the agenda, as of now, is regarding grant of selection/senior grade to teachers after they complete over 12/24 years of service. Granting of these grades entitles teachers to a higher pay scale.
On Tuesday, the deputy director of education (DDE) office has asked schools to submit a detailed report on the status of granting these grades to teachers employed with them. This action was a result of a meeting held between DDE Anil Pardhi and BJP’s education cell on August 18. The cell claimed that schools did not grant senior and selection scale on time to the eligible staff even after their 12 and 24 years of service and training.
Anil Shivankar, senior member the cell said, “Principals ask teachers for money to get the senior and selection scale and this corruption needs to stop. Moreover, the proposal regarding grant of scale should be sent immediately the next day when the employee completes his/her required years of service.” This topic may be discussed during Thursday’s meet as officials have kept the option open to take up matters that are not listed on the agenda.