Nagpur: The Nagpur police has made elaborate bandobast for counting and aftermath, said Commissioner of Police Dr Bhushan Kumar Upadhyay in a message posted on one of the professional WhatsApp group on Wednesday.
Giving information of the policemen to be on duty for counting, Dr Upadhyay said about six hundred men and 100 officers have been deployed for counting in one shift.
“We have got two companies of State Reserve Police Force (SRPF) and two platoons of Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF)”, he said.
Moreover, eight striking forces consisting of 20 men and one officer have been deployed near counting place to control the crowd, the CP said.
All important sensitive points will be manned by officers and men.
Plain clothes men will be deployed in sufficient numbers in different localities of the city to ensure law and order is maintained in the city, Dr Upadhyay informed.
Crime branch officers along with other policemen will be patrolling sensitive areas.
Beat Marshals and three vehicles each police station will be moving in their respective areas, he informed.
All the DCPs, Additional CP, Joint CP and CP are having their own striking forces.
Two Quick Response Teams (QRT) will be deployed at strategic locations in the city besides three RCP squads.
All together 6000 policemen and 500 hundred officers have been deployed to monitor the law and order situation in the city as well as at the counting venue, Dr Upadhyay informed seeking co-operation from the common people.